Business trainings | neredzamapasaule
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Business training in darkness

Author programs in the dark specially developed by psychologists and business coaches

corporate clients


What is different in training in the dark from regular trainings?


  • The uniqueness of the training room leads to 100% audience engagement


  • Your knowledge of yourself and the world around you can change radically

  • Attitudes that block your potential will be destroyed

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"Šonedēļ mūsu komanda devās uz neredzamā pasaule – vietu, kur piedzīvot unikālu iespēju ieklausīties savās sajūtās. Iejutāmies neredzīgo cilvēku ikdienā un sapratām, cik daudz lietu pieņemam par pašsaprotamām.

Šī bija vērtīga komandas kopābūšanas pieredze!"

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Teamwork efficiency increases


At the beginning, we carefully identify the problem/task that the company has and which they would like to solve with training.


Personal qualities and emotion management skills are formed


Based on this, we choose the optimal number of hours for training and offer employment in the "light" and "dark" zones.


Creative resources are released to solve professional problems

Exercises and tasks that seemed simple and self-evident to the team under normal conditions acquire new facets and shades in the dark, allowing them to reveal the potential of the group and its individual members in a new way.

Types of training


Leadership is an important part of the company's success


One of the conditions for the successful development of the company is trained managers with the necessary knowledge and skills.

Imagine that your company is a garden. Without the skillful hand of a gardener, the garden will quickly fall apart, and instead of the cultivated plants you counted on, weeds will appear. Any inaction leads to chaos and destruction, but order to prosperity.


How to become a gardener in your garden, learn to create motivation and maintain order? How do you move from ineffective noise to effective action?


Leadership is not what you do for employees, but what you do with them.


Goals you will achieve:

  • Learn to take responsibility for your role and responsibilities

  • Learn to prioritize

  • Develop an understanding of leadership and learn to apply the concept of situational leadership

  • Learn to assess personal effectiveness in managing people

  • Learn practical management skills and practice applying the model in real situations 

  • Learn how to manage employee motivation to maximize team performance

The Leadership training series will help you:

  • Build open relationships with colleagues

  • Create motivating factors for employees

  • Create your own leadership culture

  • Increase the work efficiency of employees

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by filling out the application form

No. 1 "Situational leadership"

This is a people management style that changes depending on the situation and the level of readiness of employees to perform tasks.


Development of basic leadership skills

  • Determining the level of professional training of the employee

  • Determining the employee's needs at each stage of professional development


Leadership as the basis of personnel management

  • Understanding leadership as an integral part of managing people

  • Components of leadership


Leadership competence

  • Knowledge

  • Skills

  • Attitude


Choice of leadership behavior model

  • The direct one

  • A mentor

  • Supportive

  • Partner

No. 2 "Practical motivation"

It includes the unity between the goals and wishes of the employees and the goals and tasks of the organization; measures taken by the leader to improve employee efficiency


System for understanding differences in motivation "DISK"

  • Social and psychological types of personalities, taking into account the peculiarities of modality and the use of representative systems of different personalities

  • Motivating employees through the social and psychological portrait of the individual

  • Testing according to the UM Marston model.

  • Self-determination, knowing your needs and driving motivators

  • Identifying the main motivational components of your subordinates and the elements influencing them

  • Social and work compatibility of different personality types

  • Managing employees by motivating, not forcing

  • Setting practical and motivating goals


Main personal values, motives, behavior

  • A system of values and true motives

  • Personal and professional needs. Model SI


Three classic models of employee motivation

  • Formation of internal motivation through R. Dilta's pyramid of neurological levels

  • D. McGregor's motivation X and Y

  • F. Herzberg's two-factor theory

No. 3 "Emotional intelligence and its impact on the team"

It is a person's ability to recognize emotions, understand intentions, motivations and desires, as well as the ability to manage one's own and other people's emotions to solve practical problems.


In the training programincludes interactive exercises and practicing techniques. The training is focused on learning the most practical skills.


Purpose of training- increase the efficiency of achieving personal and work goals by developing skills to work with emotions


Training results

  • You will learn basic tools for managing your emotions and those of others

  • You will be able to use emotions as important information about yourself and the interlocutor

  • Learn about stereotypes and get rid of them that get in the way of productive teamwork and the achievement of personal and work goals

Techniques for understanding and managing your emotions

Participants move to our rooms where they practice the techniques of being aware of their emotions:

  • Ways to effectively verbalize emotions

  • Finding emotions in the body

  • Non-verbal signals

  • Ways of managing - why suppressing, controlling and ignoring emotions can be harmful

  • Getting to know and developing relaxation and breathing techniques

  • Transforming meaning and context

  • "Scaling" and "Meta Emotion" method


The basics of emotional intelligence

  • Introduction to the concept of emotional intelligence, 4 basic emotions

  • Patterns of human emotion

  • The physiological basis of emotions

  • Intensity and quality of emotions

  • Positive and negative emotions


Understanding and managing other people's emotions

  • Analysis of non-verbal signals - what tells about a specific emotion

  • "Reflection" technique

  • Emotional barriers in communication and ways to overcome them

  • Techniques of verbalizing partner's feelings

  • Methods of emotional stress management

  • Verbalization of partner's feelings

Team building


Leadership training program for building and leading success-oriented teams with high performance


"One is not a warrior" - began ancient wisdom


None of us alone can be more productive than all of us together.


How to turn employees and colleagues into a team, and work into a well-coordinated mechanism for performing practical tasks?


What can make people learn to trust colleagues? How to learn how to properly delegate responsibilities in a team?


Training Objective 

In practice, consider the issues of creating and developing a highly effective team with clearly defined goals, roles and group responsibilities that will increase the effectiveness and productivity of relationships within and outside the team.


Training results

  • You will learn to define the roles of employees in the team

  • You will understand how to combine different roles and personality types in different projects and tasks

  • You will learn the dynamics of team building

  • Get employee management tools for every stage of your team's life

  • You will be able to diagnose the motivational climate in the team

  • Adapt your management style to the needs of your employees


Training program

  1. Characteristics of a high-performing “PRODUCT” team

  2. Social roles in the team

Didn't find a suitable option for you?

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Individual training


Such programs are suitable for individual lessons.

As well as if the problem of internal relations with specific employees needs to be solved.


Everyone probably knows that feeling when in the gym you feel like everyone is looking at you and seeing all your problems and imperfections. And this is only what everyone around sees, not to mention the emotional and moral difficulties. We do not want to admit strangers to them even within a shot of a cannon, and most often those who know us well.


It is necessary to change something in yourself, but to join a big training and retIt seems unimaginable to talk about your problems.


Or another situation where you don't have enough attention from the trainer, you feel like you could have done more if there weren't other people around who are also participating in the program.


With one-on-one training, both are eliminated.


Peculiarities of training

  • The intensity of the lessons is chosen by the learner

  • Practical orientation

  • There is no embarrassment in front of unknown or familiar people

  • 100% attention from the trainer and from you

  • The individual personality psychotype is taken into account

  • Leveling up from easy to hard

  • Required number of repetitions and returns

  • Personalized exercises

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